Get Started – Sustainability Challenge

You’re interested in our new Sustainability Challenge – awesome! Here’s how to get started.

Young People

Food is uniquely integrated into our lives. Think about all the memories you have around eating – they’re powerful, right? The first time you bit into an apple, that time you shared a pizza with your team and the cheese slid right off your slice. What is just as powerful is the effect of food on the environment. The Challenge is designed to give you the chance to make your food system more sustainable. What does that mean?

It means helping to ensure the path from growing to eating has a positive effect on the environment, the economy, and our health. 

And you can start today for the chance to win $1,000.

Start by noticing – look into how your school sources its lunch food or how your community takes care of food waste. Are there problems you see? Talk to stakeholders – your principal, your farmer’s market vendor, your neighbors. What is the change you want to see?

Make a plan – then submit that plan for funding through the Challenge! Apply by January 31, 2022

Document your journey – Take videos, write it down, take photos. Then submit your Action Story (in any format! TikToks, essays, whatever you create!) by March 31, 2022 for the chance to win $1,000 for making a change.


We want to make it as easy as possible to empower your young people to make a change.

Download our Adult Partner Toolkit – it contains example workbooks, an Adult Partner Guide, and the Judging Rubric. The Challenge is directly aligned with NGSS Middle and High School and the C3 Framework. 

Don’t reinvent the wheel – Young people can submit a project they’ve already been working on in your classroom or home – just submit by March 31, 2022 for the chance to win prize money! You might want to review the Student Shortcut – it’s a shortened version of the Student Workbook.

Early is better – Adult partners will also receive an incentive for supporting students to make a change. The first 100 adult partners to submit Action Plans requesting implementation funds will receive a $100 gift card. Also, the first 200 adult partners to submit completed Action Stories will receive another gift card (value of $200). We see your hard work!

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. & DC, ages 8 to 18 years (minors must have parental consent). Enter between approx. 12:00pm MT on 10/04/21 – approx. 11:59 pm MT on 03/31/22. For Official Rules including how to enter, entry limitations, Earth Force and Chipotle’s usage rights, and prize descriptions, visit Sponsor: Earth Force, Inc.


Written by -

Hayley Valley, Earth Force's Communications Manager, joined Earth Force in 2010 and has since held too many roles to count - all drawing on her experience in communicating Earth Force's commitment to environmental action civics. When she’s not knee-deep in Google Docs, you’ll find her chasing her two boys around.

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