Our Work
Earth Force trains adults to infuse civic experiences into environmental education to create environmental citizens.
Wherever you’re at, we can help.
We work with adults of all kinds – from K-12 educators, to afterschool educators, to municipal agencies, to environmental education organizations – as well as the adults who provide them training.
For many, bringing real civic action into their interactions with young people represents a pretty big shift in thinking.
Our expertise is in easing that transition in a powerful and sustainable way.
Menu of Services
Live & Asynchronous workshops, forums, and other learning events
Initial consultation and 1:1 Coaching (offered post-training)
Virtual Resources
Newsletter, Podcast, & Blog, plus a library of downloadable resources & materials (earthforceresources.org), and access to our online EAC Community of Practice!
Joining forces to co-apply for grants, co-present at conferences, and more!
Choose your path:
I work with young people
We build the skills and knowledge educators of all paths need to incorporate Environmental Action Civics into their existing curricula or programs.
I'm interested in Environmental Action Civics for my organization.
We can help you amplify your impact.
I'm interested in broad-scale, systemic change with Environmental Action Civics.
We can help you reach your institution’s aspirations.
I'm interested in Youth Challenges
We partner with funders to provide opportunities for students to share their work and compete for grants.