Action Story Library
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Litter Crew - Jamestown Elementary School
The goal of this project is a practice change to raise awareness around the litter and dumping issue at their school and Jamestown Park. 5th graders advocated for this change to the science department, presented at the Student Environmental Action Showcase in partnership with NOVA Outside, and are now spreading awareness by filming cleanups and starting conversations on the Jamestown Morning News Show at their school.
Energy Vampires – Rachel Carson Middle School
The goal of this project is a practice change: to eliminate energy vampires! Middle schoolers took inventory on the appliances and technology causing the most energy waste and are currently implementing strategies to decrease the stealthy drains of their energy, therefore lessening CO2 emissions. They are working with Fairfax County Facilities and Get2Green to raise more awareness and grow out this idea.
Action From Above - Hunters Woods Elementary School
The goal of this project is a practice change to raise awareness about the impacts of erosion, due to increased flooding events, therefore keeping a stream clean on their campus. 5th graders, with the support of parents, are implementing stabilization strategies such as native terrace plantings and a rain barrel at their school to help decrease watershed pollution on a steep downslope area that leads into a creek.
MCHS Brings Back Bats - Mifflin County High School
Following a severe decline of bat populations across Pennsylvania, students from Mifflin County High School Science Club made a plan to help support remaining populations of bats nearby our school campus. With a combination of increased education and awareness, habitat improvements and advocacy, students hope to see populations of our bats rebound!
Oyster Restoration at the Crossroads School
Students that are apart of the BUGS (Baltimore Urban Gardening with Students) at the Crossroads School. This small group of students have all seen firsthand how there is an apparent need for oyster restoration and an increase in aquatic biodiversity. Their idea to combat this issue is raising ten oyster cages on the East Harbor, Baltimore Campus from spat to adulthood and then planting the grown oysters on a reef located outside of the Inner Harbor. They are planning on continuing this project annually, with new spat each year!
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Raising Awareness Buddy Campaign - Jamestown Elementary School
There is a lack of awareness about the problems facing the Chesapeake Bay watershed since it provides many people with water and it is getting polluted. Our stop-motion video shows how we want to spread awareness by making posters and placing them around the school which will result in a higher awareness for the younger students. We hope that people who see the posters will think about this problem and try to make a difference.
Our Littering Footprint – Eastern Middle School
Students will create a 15 minute documentary to educate fellow students at Eastern and other MCPS middle Schools about the impact of littering on the Chesapeake Bay. After the documentary is shown, student viewers will be given an opportunity to sign a pledge to stop littering.
Eel Restoration – Mifflin County High School
This project focuses on reestablishing American Eel populations in Kish Creek, with the aim of helping to restore native habitats and populations of organisms. Eel are a keystone species that will help reduce invasive crayfish populations, increase native mussel populations and help to improve the quality of the water.
MCHS Revitalizes Recycling – Mifflin County High School
MCHS Environmental Science students generated a plan to revitalize the (practically non-existent) recycling program at our school, aiming to accommodate plastics and aluminum recycling in addition to the paper recycling. It combines a plan to educate the student body, change procedures and improve access for all students.
2022-2023 Special Recognition Projects
Blair Middle School Environmental Club - “Be part of the solution, stop the pollution”
Blair Middle School wants to do their part in keeping our Chesapeake Bay Watershed clean. We want to keep our storm water drains free from trash to prevent clogging and reduce pollution. Our Environmental Club would like to have designated trash cans placed outside our school. We would like to continue cleaning up around our school 3 times per month.
Jamestown Elementary School - Interpreting the Importance of Natives
We want to design and print interpretative signs to educate our community about the issue of invasive species, how to remove and prevent them, and what type of native plants can be planted to replace them. We will place them along the new stepping stone path being installed at our school’s new native plant garden, which we will advocate to help design.
The Hague School - Butterfly Garden to Benefit Biodiversity
We will plant and maintain a sustainable pollinator garden in our school yard, supported by collected rainwater and school compost. The pollinators from our garden will bolster the vegetation surrounding the nearby body of water to improve the local ecosystem.
Eastern Middle School - Rain Gardens Save the Bay for Future Days: Runoff Control
Students will install a rain garden at Eastern Middle School to reduce runoff carrying litter into Sligo Creek. Students also will create a 3-hour workshop to educate other MCPS middle school communities about the uses of a rain garden and how to make a rain garden.
Rachel Carson Middle School - Monarch Butterfly Waystation
This proposal focuses on the importance of Native Perennials, the rain garden, and pollinators such as monarch butterflies, due to their massive role in the ecosystem. Due to this, this proposal establishes some key points, and emphasizes actions such as educating people, creating designated areas for plants, and maintaining all of this for the future.