Episode 31: How to Help Students Pick a Clear Issue

Today we’re talking about the importance of young people choosing a clear issue when they’re using Environmental Action Civics and some practical tips to help them get there!

0:45 – 5:20 Opening/What gives you a sense of community?

5:49 -7:01 Start with a pre-determined phenomenon or topic or subject

7:08 – 9:09 Ground yourself and students in place-based education: “What do you notice, what do you wonder?” 

9:23- 12:05 Collecting information and THEN figuring out problems and strengths

12:06 -12:48 Remember, at this early stage, you are choosing an issue, not deciding an action

12:50- 14:25 Think about concerns vs. issue 

14:26 – 15:11 Phenomenon-based learning and NGSS

15:45 – 17:15 Not enough data means you may not end up with a clear action/strategy 

17:30 – 8:16 Use Earth Force’s “Defining a Course of Action” resource

18:19 – 18:50 Ask yourself, do we have a clear issue? Or is it a solution?

Show Links:

⁠Civic Scavenger Hunt⁠

⁠Community Inventory List⁠

⁠Defining a Course of Action ⁠

Written by -

Hayley Valley, Earth Force's Communications Manager, joined Earth Force in 2010 and has since held too many roles to count - all drawing on her experience in communicating Earth Force's commitment to environmental action civics. When she’s not knee-deep in Google Docs, you’ll find her chasing her two boys around.

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