Episode 005: The research on why Environmental Action Civics works

Today, our program crew will be digging into just a few of the many research articles that back up our Environmental Action Civics approach and our goals for getting youth engaged in environmental decision-making in order to be active and engaged community members now and in the future. Do you know of research that supports this work? Drop it in the comments below!


References Cited:

Nicole M. Ardoin, Alison W. Bowers & Estelle Gaillard (2022): A systematic mixed studies review of civic engagement outcomes in environmental education, Environmental Education Research, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2135688 Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13504622.2022.2135688

Louise Chawla & Debra Flanders Cushing (2007) Education for strategic environmental behavior, Environmental Education Research, 13:4, 437-452, DOI: 10.1080/13504620701581539 Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13504620701581539
Hungerford, H. R., & Volk, T. L. (1990). Changing Learner Behavior Through Environmental Education. The Journal of Environmental Education, 21(3), 8-21. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.1990.10753743

Schwartz, S.E.O., Benoit, L., Clayton, S. et al. Climate change anxiety and mental health: Environmental activism as buffer. Curr Psychol 42, 16708–16721 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-02735-6 Available at: https://rdcu.be/dkUKd

Melchior, A. (2019). Earth Force 2003-2019 Program Evaluation. Brandeis University Center for Youth and Communities. Chatham, MA.

Want to learn more? Contact our Program Team!

Krysten Dorfman
Program Manager

Krysten manages partner organizations in integrating, implementing, and training Environmental Action Civics and supports local host partners of the RISE Challenge in Illinois, Montana, and Utah.

Sarah ("SJ") Jennings
Program Manager

SJ coordinates the Caring for Our Watersheds Chesapeake Bay challenge and provides support in Environmental Action Civics in the Mid-Atlantic region. 

Taylor Ruffin
Program Manager

Taylor manages the RISE Challenge in Colorado, supporting educators and organizations in Environmental Action Civics. 

Alyssa McConkey
Chief Program Officer

Alyssa develops and supports a growing network of organizations dedicated to integrating Environmental Action Civics. 

Written by -

Hayley Valley, Earth Force's Communications Manager, joined Earth Force in 2010 and has since held too many roles to count - all drawing on her experience in communicating Earth Force's commitment to environmental action civics. When she’s not knee-deep in Google Docs, you’ll find her chasing her two boys around.

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